April 28, 2012
Mini Belated Easter Post
I have been meaning to blog about Milo’s first big Easter experience for about 4 weeks now or whenever Easter was, but life has been super busy lately. As always. So, here we go with a really short half-cheated post about Milo’s Easter 2012.
First, read and see many pictures of Easter preparations on our friend’s Kathleen’s blog.
On Easter Sunday Milo woke up to an Easter basket with his favorite new toy – a dump truck. Or “Bagger” how he calls it.
This thing came in very handy for transporting eggs during the neighborhood easter egg hunt.
Milo totally got the “search for the eggs” thing and couldn’t get enough eggs.
Hear the constant beep of his new truck in the background? The poor toy had to carry eggs back and forth for at least an hour. After using up two sets of batteries on the first day, we decided to declare his Bagger broken. Which only a few days later became true anyway because of Milo’s rough handling. Or shall we say exuberant love. Well loved lives shorter, I guess.