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In: Lincoln's Blog

November 2, 2018

One thing at a time

I just love taking ripping old stuff out and putting new stuff back in. Sometimes it’s just not that simple. We thought we would just be able to simply buy a bathroom vent and do a simple swap. Nope. The new ones are shaped differently and will require a bit of drywall modifications. Ugh. I. Hate. Drywall.


We just returned from paradise. After spending 5 days at Fairmont Mayakoba in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, we don’t think we’ll ever find a more relaxing and beautiful getaway. The food was amazing and the resort was tucked away in a beautiful little jungle packed with wildlife. I can’t wait to return and I hope it won’t take another 10 years to do so.


Here’s another video I made as practice for filming and editing. Again, basic footage and editing using Premiere and After Effects. Shot on our deck on a nice hot saturday afternoon. Its amazing to see such simple things delight a small child. We should all be thankful for all children and how their delight can remind us of the joy that is always within us. Special thanks for the Fadgens for such a good actor :) (more…)

We recently bought a sun shelter for our upcoming beach vacation (and for any other outdoor activity that requires shade). Here is a video of us assembling and disassembling the shelter. (more…)

Photos taken while practicing various photography techniques using camera flash. Enjoy!


I read a lot of tech blogs and one that I read occasionally has “Shooting Challenges” that ask readers to submit their shots for the week’s challenge. They have a variety of different shooting challenges such as different lighting conditions, camera tricks, and pretty much anything you can do with a camera. Last week’s challenge was shooting water drops. I didn’t see the challenge until it was already over so I didn’t submit it to the contest. But it sounded like something I could tackle. So within 10 minutes of reading the challenge, I was taking photos. (more…)

There’s been a lot of news lately about Facebook and how it disrespects its users privacy rights. While I have not taken the time to examine every line of Facebook’s privacy policies, I side with the folks who believe that information, photos, likes and dislikes, etc etc, that I submit to Facebook should belong to no one else but me and it should be I who decides who gets the privilege of seeing this information. But what makes Facebook different than any other site on the web, the internet is a public space and where people scream privacy invasion they forget that users themselves have to be responsible for their own actions.
