August 10, 2008
Wooden Volkswagon Beetle
For some strange reason, I find this wooden-clad Volkswagon Beetle simply AMAZING and want one! Apparently it took the couple a year to put over 20,000 oak slabs on the car and the best part is the car works perfectly and is street legal. Check the link for eye-candy.
August 5, 2008
Polar Bear vs. Dog (PICS)
The photographer was sure that he was going to see the end of his huskies when the polar bear materialized out of the blue, as it were: But something else happened…
August 5, 2008
Demographic Inversion
I just read an article on about the trend of American cities essentially doing an inversion where more affluent people are moving into city centers while poorer are moving out into the suburbs. It is quite an interesting read and myself find my reaction to the article a little conflicting. (more…)
July 28, 2008
Why is it so cold in America?
I’ve been privately bitching for awhile now why I am constantly finding that everywhere I go I find myself cold inside public buildings. What boggles my mind is that I am not the only one. (more…)