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In: Parenthood

September 23, 2010

Along the last six weeks

We’re happy to update everyone that Milo is still the happy, healthy baby he was on day 1. Milo has grown so much so fast. He just had his healthy baby check up and everything is A-OK. He’s growing and eating well and is in the 70th percentile on growth charts! Everyone has said the first year is going to fly by and to enjoy this time. Let me tell you, everyone was right. Although he is still relatively tiny, he is getting more and more active and alert everyday. Pretty soon, he’ll be running around discovering the world and won’t want to be carried like a baby anymore and I’m surely going to miss carrying my little big guy.

As far as our experience has been, being parents is definitely interesting. Its a mixture of so many things: tiring, invigorating, challenging and instinctual, pain in the ass, joy of our lives.Our perception of time has changed — from hours and minutes to feedings and diapers. The whole experience is new and exciting, but we are still clinging to our old ways before the baby and trying to be both active and social.

Also, please let me give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who sent us gifts for Milo! We really appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of these gifts!

So that’s it for now, check out some of the pictures below that we snapped along the way and again, thanks for thinking of us!
