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In: fun



So, Felix’s language brain area must have just expanded exponentially, because all of a sudden he is talking in full sentences and is now an official contributor to this popular blog category.

Felix sees a QR code and asks: “Is this minecraft?”

Felix sees a little duckling: “Aww, so cute!” Then he sees two ducklings: “Aww, two so cutes.”

Milo comes in from school: “Mom, you have to come out and see this. Felix is leaking chicken nuggets out of his mouth.” What I did see when I looked, was a Felix covered in his vomit.

August 13, 2014

Milo Chats July 2014

Holy crap, it’s been a while since anyone’s been seen on this lonely old blog. Aside from busy life, I have been trying to be more lazy on my evenings and have taken on reading books again and going to bed early. Not such a bad thing I have to say. But every now and then I should still try to throw in a few of these shorties. Here is an example of Milo’s logic.

“Mommy, Felix wants to take my money, but I don’t want him to have it because he will put it in his mouth and die. And that would be sad, then we wouldn’t have any baby anymore. Like my friend, he doesn’t have any baby brothers. Maybe they all died.”

After I explained to him that sometimes people stop making babies and babies all grow up to be big kids he suggested: “So maybe when Felix is 10 you can put him back in your belly and have a big baby.”

April 27, 2014

Milo Chats Spring 2014

Hello again. As Milo is approaching the big 4, his language skills and reasoning improves drastically, so these gems are getting rarer and are replaced with amazingly logical and knowledgeable statements. We’ll get to those too. In the mean time, here are some of the recent out takes:


Imagine this with Milo singing in the bath tub: “I don’t have a car wash. But I will. Have one. I will have a car wash. Yahoo.”


Nic: “Milo, don’t pull that shower hose out of the wall.”

Milo: “But please can I do it? I will say sorry.”


Milo: “This is my pillow store.”

Linc” “How much does this pillow cost?”

Milo: “5 million Dollars.”

Linc: “I don’t have that much money. How much is the other one?”

Milo: “This one costs 1 inches.”

November 21, 2013

Milo Chats Fall 2013

Most ridiculous statement from the guy who never WANTS to eat: “I never get any food here!”


Linc: “Milo, you are smart.”

Milo: “No, I’m not.”

Linc: “Yes, you are. I know you’re smart because you are my son.”

Milo: “Are you kidding me?”


Nic: “What should Bobo (guy in a book) do to reach up to the door?”

Milo: “Jump real high like Ironman.”


Milo discovered Siri: “Call firetruck.”

Siri: Sorry, I can’t find a contact called Bye Chuck. Would you like me to search the web for it?”

Milo: “Please call firetruck, please, please.”


Nic: “Milo, do you want to play soccer?”

Milo jumping on the couch: “Not now. I’m playing the boring game. It’s called jumping is boring.”


Milo gives Nic a flower. Much later on: “You have to run when you play soccer. Not stand. If you don’t run, I’m gonna take your flower away.”


Nic to Milo sitting on the toilet: “Hurry up, I need to pee too.”

Milo: “Hold your penis so it doesn’t come out.”

Nic: “I don’t have a penis.”

Milo: “That’s because you are a girl. But my girls at school have penises, cause they are my friends.”


Some time close to Halloween.

Milo: “Mom, I know what’s inside of us. We have bones inside.”

Nic: “And what do the bones do?”

Milo:”They scare people.”


Milo farts and says: “Oh no! Now I’m gonna get small again like a balloon.”


Milo brings a bunch of superhero masks to Linc and Nic and says: “Come on guys, let’s hero up!”



April 30, 2013

Kiddisms April 2013


Milo: Oh no, the airplane is flying away! It’s scared of us.


Milo: I didn’t sleep so well.

Nic: Why not?

Milo: I had a dream. And there was a finger.


Nic: Can you say it in German too?

Milo: No, I can’t

Nic: Why not?

Milo: Cause I’m not Mommy yet.


Milo totally out of context: A rocket.

Nic: What?

Milo: No, mommy be quiet. I’m talking to Felix. Felix, a rocket, yes or no?

(No idea what he wanted from Felix)


Nic: Please stop it, Milo. You are hurting me. (He was playing cars on my head)

Milo: And then you be sad and cry real loud and wake up daddy?

July 12, 2012


This is Milo’s idea of a modern and somewhat functional art installation. Whenever he helps me put clothes away in our closet he asks for a good amount of hangers and makes sure to hang them all the same way on our dresser. Hopefully this is a sign of his sense for organization.

Now that Milo has sufficient words to tell us stories all day long, but not quite enough language to always be coherent or precise, there is some pretty funny stuff coming out of his mouth sometimes. It kind of gives you an idea what an almost two-year old’s logic looks like. I will collect those random outbursts of genius and share them here with you.

#1: These Milo says “this” or “this one” to anything that he does not know the word for. So, the other day at the park we ran into some friends that we don’t see too often. Their kid is called Alex and Milo played with him for about an hour. Apparently that was not enough time for Milo to learn the kid’s name, so when we left Milo waved at Alex and said to him: “Bye, this one!”

#2: When in Germany Milo started digging the typical Marmeladenbrot or Butterbrot – a slice of bread with butter and or jam spread on it. After we got back home, I was talking to Milo about his brother and asked him what we should name his brother. Milo said “Brot” (=bread). Apparently Bruder / brother sounded similar enough to Butter / butter, so that he immediately connected it with Brot / bread.

March 23, 2011

Double Milo