Most ridiculous statement from the guy who never WANTS to eat: “I never get any food here!”
Linc: “Milo, you are smart.”
Milo: “No, I’m not.”
Linc: “Yes, you are. I know you’re smart because you are my son.”
Milo: “Are you kidding me?”
Nic: “What should Bobo (guy in a book) do to reach up to the door?”
Milo: “Jump real high like Ironman.”
Milo discovered Siri: “Call firetruck.”
Siri: Sorry, I can’t find a contact called Bye Chuck. Would you like me to search the web for it?”
Milo: “Please call firetruck, please, please.”
Nic: “Milo, do you want to play soccer?”
Milo jumping on the couch: “Not now. I’m playing the boring game. It’s called jumping is boring.”
Milo gives Nic a flower. Much later on: “You have to run when you play soccer. Not stand. If you don’t run, I’m gonna take your flower away.”
Nic to Milo sitting on the toilet: “Hurry up, I need to pee too.”
Milo: “Hold your penis so it doesn’t come out.”
Nic: “I don’t have a penis.”
Milo: “That’s because you are a girl. But my girls at school have penises, cause they are my friends.”
Some time close to Halloween.
Milo: “Mom, I know what’s inside of us. We have bones inside.”
Nic: “And what do the bones do?”
Milo:”They scare people.”
Milo farts and says: “Oh no! Now I’m gonna get small again like a balloon.”
Milo brings a bunch of superhero masks to Linc and Nic and says: “Come on guys, let’s hero up!”
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