January 2, 2011
Glimpses of our stay in Schweinfurt
A picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll skip the caption and get straight to the meat.
January 2, 2011
It’s gonna be a big year
It seems like only a few days have passed since Milo was a tiny and helpless baby. Today in this new year he is such a grown infant who is taking anything but baby steps towards becoming an active participant in this world.
Just three weeks ago he lost most of his baby hair and now his brand new thicker hair is already a quarter inch long. His deadly grip has gotten even stronger and whenever he gets hold of two adult fingers, he pulls himself up to a sitting or standing position. We used to be able to just lean him against the back of the sofa to mind our business for a few minutes, but now that he discovered his abs, he comes to a sitting position within a minute, eventually kisses his feet, and rolls to the side. Now Milo plays contently with all his toys for hours. He paralyzes the toy with his eyes, then quickly grabs it with both hands, and shoves it in his mouth, looks at it once more, and shoves it back into the mouth.
Since Milo can sit in his high chair now and used to get really jealous about us eating dinner, we started giving him some oatmeal. Most of it – if not all – still ends up on his bib, but he is having a blast with the mess.
This year is going to be a big one for Milo. Not much longer and he will be unstoppable exploring the world. He will move into his own room and be our little big boy. So many people say that they miss their tiny newborn baby and are sad seeing the kids grow up so fast. But honestly, as cute as he was as a newborn, I love seeing him grow up. I’m honored to be there with him in every new thing he learns. Seeing him grow up and learn so fast makes me nothing but proud.
December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas!

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas. Have fun and be joyful in your celebrations with friends and family. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and we hope to see you all personally soon! Cheers! Here are some impressions from Milo’s first Christmas:
Lincoln, Nicola, &Â Milo
November 6, 2010
Big Laughs
Sorry for the weird orientation of the video. I took this video using my iphone holding it upright so the video came out this way. Doesn’t matter anyhow since Milo will still put a smile on your face. Guaranteed. :)
October 20, 2010
Ahh, motherhood!
September 23, 2010
Along the last six weeks
We’re happy to update everyone that Milo is still the happy, healthy baby he was on day 1. Milo has grown so much so fast. He just had his healthy baby check up and everything is A-OK. He’s growing and eating well and is in the 70th percentile on growth charts! Everyone has said the first year is going to fly by and to enjoy this time. Let me tell you, everyone was right. Although he is still relatively tiny, he is getting more and more active and alert everyday. Pretty soon, he’ll be running around discovering the world and won’t want to be carried like a baby anymore and I’m surely going to miss carrying my little big guy.
As far as our experience has been, being parents is definitely interesting. Its a mixture of so many things: tiring, invigorating, challenging and instinctual, pain in the ass, joy of our lives.Our perception of time has changed — from hours and minutes to feedings and diapers. The whole experience is new and exciting, but we are still clinging to our old ways before the baby and trying to be both active and social.
Also, please let me give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who sent us gifts for Milo! We really appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of these gifts!
So that’s it for now, check out some of the pictures below that we snapped along the way and again, thanks for thinking of us!
July 23, 2010
Ready, set, go!
More or less 3 weeks. That’s all that’s left of this amazing experience called pregnancy. A part of me is looking forward to the end. Birth is gonna be exciting, I will finally get to meet this little boy, and will have a little bit more freedom to do with my body what I want to do: Sleeping on the belly, eat junk food, run and sweat, … not to mention having fewer bathroom breaks. (more…)