May 6, 2010
Working from Home
Hi everyone,
So I got a new toy this week and I’ve been playing with it. Its a new DSLR camera (Canon T2i) that has really nice low-light performance and really nice video quality. As you might tell from my last time-lapse video, I’ve been getting into the video editing scene. It’s been an area of digital art that I have never really played with because I never had the gear. My point and shoot camera shoots videos but the footage always comes out flat and the colors are not very faithful. Also there’s not a great zoom lens on that camera so after months of research and saving, I finally went out and picked up my very first DSLR. Don’t get me wrong, my Point and shoot will still stay within reach because of it’s portability and stellar still shots, but for video and zoom scenarios, thats where this new camera will shine. (more…)
April 3, 2010
Spring is Blossoming
Ahhh, what a really nice weekend so far. With the weather getting warmer and warmer, everybody’s been itching to get outside again. Last night we had our first BBQ of the year. With a couple of friends, we grilled up some yummy hotdogs, jumbo shrimp, and pineapples and ate right out on the deck under clear blue skys and a setting sun. After a couple drinks and some delicious food, it turned out to be a beautiful way to start the weekend.
February 11, 2010
Snowmageddon Fun
They’ve been calling it Snowmageddon 2010 when we got over 30 inches of snow. This is just weeks after Snowpocalypse 2009, which gave us 24″ of snow. Over the past seven weeks, we’ve gotten over 50″ of snow! What does all this mean? Being snowed in has a natural tendency for activities such as sleep, eating, and SHOVELING!
When we’re not doing these things, we’re romping around in the snow. Check out the vids and some pics. Enjoy.
January 9, 2010
Happy New Year
Hello world and happy 2010!
Now that the new year has started, I will begin this year looking backwards. Backwards to my nice little vacation at the end of last year and remembering the nice weather that was there — instead of the scheiß weather that we are living in at the moment. So the story is we went to visit Tim in Miami for new years and just bummed around florida with nothing to do but eat and sleep. So if you want to travel back in time, check out the gallery below.
October 2, 2009
Wedding Update
Wow! The time is rapidly approaching! We’re scrambling around getting everything finalized and organized. We realize that because we were unable to book the reception immediately following the ceremony, many of you, especially those who are from far away may be wondering what to wear and what to do in between ceremony and the reception.
After the ceremony, Lincoln’s parents house is open to guests for snacks, drinks, and socializing. This is an open invitation for you to come socialize and grab a bite to eat and/or change into something more comfortable if you wish to bring along an extra set of clothes. There will be some nice vietnamese food for you to snack on.
Generally, here is what to expect as the program for the day:
1:30 – 2:30 Wedding Ceremony at St. Louis Parish (Directions)
2:30 – 3:00 Photo-Op activity
3:00 – 6:30 Invitation to Lincoln’s Parents for snacks and socializing, otherwise see you at 7:30 (Directions)
7:30 – 11:30 Reception at Martin’s West (Directions)
For those of you who wish to book a hotel close to the reception, immediately adjacent to the reception hall is Best Western.
Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions about directions or times or anything! We are so excited that everyone is coming and are really looking forward to partying with you Saturday night!
See you all soon!!!