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In: Photoblog

I read a lot of tech blogs and one that I read occasionally has “Shooting Challenges” that ask readers to submit their shots for the week’s challenge. They have a variety of different shooting challenges such as different lighting conditions, camera tricks, and pretty much anything you can do with a camera. Last week’s challenge was shooting water drops. I didn’t see the challenge until it was already over so I didn’t submit it to the contest. But it sounded like something I could tackle. So within 10 minutes of reading the challenge, I was taking photos. (more…)

4th of July Fireworks - 13.jpg

Happy 4th of July everyone. This day is celebrated best by waking up late, grilling delicious food under the sun, being with loved ones, and watching a magnificent fireworks show. Today was a perfect day. Aside from having to wake up a bit early to prepare food for our lunchtime cookout, it turned out to be more than I could ask for. I invited my mom and sister over for lunch and we had homemade baked potato soup, grilled corn on the cob, and my specialty cheeseburgers. (more…)