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By: Lincoln

So yesterday was the first day of spring and I simply cannot wait for it to get warmer. Since we’ve moved into this big house in the middle of winter, we have not had the opportunity to take advantage of our nice deck and patio. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be able to eat a few meals outside.

In other news, with the spring time comes a lot of planning and opportunities for creative outlet. I just picked up a midi controller and got my hands on a copy of Logic Studio and am trying my hand at producing some sounds. That’s something I’ve been interested in but never got a chance to delve deep enough into. The learning curve is steep but the results sound pretty good. Too bad though because I need another few hundred bucks worth of equipment like some studio monitors and a firewire interface to input microphones and guitars and other stuff. I’m not going to be moby jus quite yet but I’ll be sure to crank out a few covers or remixes soon.

Well that’s the quick update for now. I’m going to try to be more active on this blog and update it more often. Here’s a picture I took at the Korean store that I think you’ll get a kick out of.

December 17, 2008

5 Element Music Video

Hey everyone, I’ve dug up some old stuff while I was cleaning out my computer. I found a “music video” I made about a year and a half ago. It was a project while I was going to acupuncture school. The video shows images and music that express the energy of the five elements: water, wood, fire, earth, metal.

See the video after the jump.


November 17, 2008

Updated Wedding Information

For those of you who are planning on attending our wedding ceremony in Germany, we just wanted to let you know that we are beginning to get more and more organized and will post information on our wedding site as they become confirmed. Visit the Wedding tab for all the latest information or click here.

This morning, I escaped a huge storm that hit South Vietnam and fled to the north to Hangzhou, China where I will be staying two nights to attend the Keqiao International Textile Expo. The flight took off at about 8am this morning under some heavy rainfall. There was one 3 layover in Guangzhou where I got a chance to stretch my legs. (more…)

October 24, 2008

Days 6-9: Work Exhaustion

Its been awhile since I last posted a blog, thats because I’ve been super super busy in the last 4 days. As of my last blog post, I’ve worked overtime just about everyday from 8am till about 8pm. Nothing much to report work-wise except that I’m ready to go HOME! (more…)

Finally, its Sunday and I finally get a day off. What better to do on a day off then to go drink coffee at a outdoor coffee bar. This place served all kinds of beverages from the famous vietnamese iced coffee to all kinds of smoothies, which I took the liberty of ordering a mango smoothie. (100x better than a Mango Lassi). Following our coffee bar experience, we ate at a restaurant  that fed all six of us for under 40 bucks. Excellent! (more…)

Nothing to report friends. Just two days of work and two nights of sleep. The only thing extra was eating meals. But it was a good chance to reflect on what is cool and what is not about Vietnam. One thing that is definately cool is the over abundance of scooters and vespas. Here, two wheeled vehicles totally overwhelm four wheel vehicles to the point where it sucks to drive. It takes about twice as long to reach closeby destinations here in Vietnam if you travel by car (which we do since we have a driver) and therefore tasks are much more efficient on Vespas. The only catch is that there is no air conditioning on a vespa.